1. Barrachina Fernández, Mª M., Maitín, A.Mª., Sánchez Ávila, C., Romero J.P., Wearable technology to detect motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease patients: Current State and Challenges, Sensors, vol. 21 (12), 4188, (15 pages), 2021.
2. Jara Vera, V., Sánchez Ávila, C., Cryptobiometrics for the Generation of Cancellable Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers with Perfect Secrecy, Mathematics, vol. 8, 1536, (30 pages), 2020.
3. Jara Vera, V., Sánchez Ávila, C., New Proof That the Sum of the Reciprocals of Primes Diverges, Mathematics, vol. 8, 1414, 9 pp., 2020.
4. Jara Vera, V., Sánchez Ávila, C., Distribution of adjacent prime numbers in the Ulam spiral, Engineering Computations, 19 pp., 2020.
5. Richard Wilby, M., Vinagre Díaz, J.J., Fernández Pozo, R., Rodríguez González A.B., Vassallo J.M., Sánchez Ávila, C., Data-Driven Analysis of Bicycle Sharing Systems as Public Transport Systems Based on A Trip Index Classification, Sensors, vol. 20, 4315, 16 pp., 2020.
6. Vinagre Díaz, J.J., Fernández Pozo, R., Rodriguez González, A.B. Wilby, M.R., Sánchez Ávila, C., Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering of Bicycle Sharing Stations Based on Ultra-Light Edge Computing, Sensors, vol. 20, 3550, 14 pp., 2020.
7. Ríos Sánchez B., Costa de Silva D., Martín Yuste N, Sánchez Ávila C., Deep learning for face recognition on mobile devices, IET Biometrics, vol. 9 no. 3, pp.: 109-117, 2020.
8. Ríos Sánchez B., Costa de Silva D., Martín Yuste N, Sánchez Ávila C., Deep learning for facial recognition on single sample per person scenarios with varied capturing conditions, Applied Sciences,9, pp.: 1-11, 2019.
9. Jara Vera V., Sánchez Ávila C. Graphemic-phonetic diachronic linguistic invariance of the frequency and of the Index of Coincidence as cryptanalytic tools, PLoS One 14(3), 1-31, 2019.
10. Bailador del Pozo G., Ríos Sánchez B., Sánchez Reíllo R., Ishikawa H, Sánchez Ávila C., Flooding-based Segmentation for Contact-less Hand Biometrics oriented to Mobile Devices, IET Biometrics, vol. 7, pp.: 431-438, 2018.
11. Jara Vera V., Sánchez Ávila C., Linguistic Decipherment of the Lettering on the (Original) Carving of the Virgin of Candelaria from Tenerife (Canary Islands), Religions, vol. 8(8), no. 135, pp.: 1-26, 2017.
12. Jara Vera V., Sánchez Ávila C., Four Versions of the Christus by the Massys: Deciphering the Meaning of the Letters, Religions, vol. 8(2), no. 19, pp.: 1-16, 2017.
13. Ríos Sánchez B., Arriaga Gómez M.F., Guerra Casanova J., de Santos Sierra, D., Mendizabal Vázquez I., Bailador G. Sánchez Ávila C., gb2sµMOD: A MUltiMODal biometric video database using visible and IR light. Information Fusion, vol. 32, pp.: 64-79, 2016.
14. de Santos-Sierra D., Sendiña-Nadal I., Leyva I., Almendra J.A., Ayali A., Anava S., Sánchez Ávila C. and Boccaletti S., Graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm for cultured neuronal networks' structure characterization and modeling, Cytometry Part A, Special Issue: Image-Based Systems Biology, vol. 87, no. 6, pp.: 513?523, June 2015.
15. Rodríguez González A.B., Wilby M., Vinagre Díaz J.J.; Sánchez Ávila C., Modeling and Detecting Aggressiveness from Driving Signals, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 15, no. 4, pp.: 1419-1428, 2014.
16. Rodríguez-Luján I., Bailador G., Sánchez-Ávila C., Herrero A., Vidal-de-Miguel G., Analysis of pattern recognition and dimensionality reduction techniques for odor biometrics, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 52, pp.: 279-289, November 2013.
17. Guerra Casanova G., Sánchez Ávila C., Bailador del Pozo G. and de Santos Sierra A., A Sequence Alignment Approach Applied to a Mobile Authentication Technique Based on Gestures, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 27, no. 4, 1356006 (16 pages), 2013.
18. Bailador del Pozo G., Sánchez Ávila C., de Santos Sierra A. and Guerra Casanova G., Speed-independent gait identi cation for mobile devices, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 26, no. 8, 1260013 (13 pages), 2012.
19. Guerra Casanova G., Sánchez Ávila C., de Santos Sierra A. and Bailador del Pozo G., Authentication in mobile devices through hand gesture recognition, International Journal of Information Security, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 65-83, 2012.
20. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Ávila C., Guerra Casanova J., Bailador del Pozo G., Gaussian Multiscale Aggregation applied to Segmentation in Hand Biometrics, Sensors (Special Issue "Hand-Based Biometrics Sensors and Systems"), vol. 11, no. 12, pp.: 11141-11156, 2011.
21. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Ávila C., Bailador del Pozo G. and Guerra Casanova J., Unconstrained and Contactless Hand Geometry Biometrics, Sensors (Special Issue "Hand-Based Biometrics Sensors and Systems"), vol. 11, no. 11, pp.: 10143-10164, 2011.
22. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Ávila C., Mendaza Ormaza A., and Guerra Casanova J., An approach to hand biometrics in mobile devices, Signal Image and Video Processing} (Special Issue on Unconstrained Biometrics: Advances and Trends), vol. 5, pp.: 469-475, 2011.
23. Guerra Casanova J., Sánchez Ávila C., de Santos Sierra A. and Bailador del Pozo G., Score optimization and template updating in a biometric technique for authentication in mobiles based on gestures, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 84, no. 11, pp.: 2013-2021, 2011.
24. Bailador del Pozo G., Sánchez Ávila C., Guerra Casanova J. and de Santos Sierra A., Analysis of pattern recognition techniques for in-air signature biometrics, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, no. 10-11, pp.: 2468-2478, 2011.
25. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Ávila C., Guerra Casanova J, Bailador del Pozo G. & Jara Vera V., A stress detection system based on physiological signals and fuzzy logic, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 10, pp.: 4847-4865, 2011.
26. Gayoso Martínez, V., Hernández Fernández, F., Hernández Encinas, L., & Sánchez Ávila C., Analysis of ECIES and other Cryptosystems based on Elliptic Curves, International Journal of Information Assurance and Security, vol. 6, pp.: 1-9, 2011.
27. Gayoso Martínez, V., Hernández Encinas, L., & Sánchez Ávila C., A survey of the elliptic curve integrated encryption scheme, Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.: 7-13, 2010.
28. Orue AB., Fernandez V., Alvarez G., Pastor G., Romera M, Montoya F. Sanchez-Ávila C. and Shujun Li., Breaking a SC-CNN-based Chaotic Masking Secure Communication System, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 19, no. 4, pp.: 1329-1338, 2009.
29. Gayoso Martínez, V., Hernández Encinas L. and Sánchez Ávila C., Elliptic curve cryptography. Java platform implementations, International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, vol. 4, pp.: 65-72, 2009.
30. Sánchez-Ávila C. & Sánchez-Reíllo, R., Two Different Approaches for Iris Recognition using Gabor Filters and Multiscale Zero-Crossing Representation, Pattern Recognition, vol. 38, pp.: 231-240, 2005.
31. de Miguel de Santos M., Sánchez-Ávila C. & Sánchez-Reíllo, R., Elliptic Curve Cryptography Applications, Upgrade (The European Journal for the Informatics Professional), vol. 6, pp.: 25-29, 2004. ISSN: 1684-5285, Digital Journal of CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies).
32. Sánchez-Ávila C. & Sánchez-Reíllo, R. A wavelet-based method for solving discrete first-kind Fredholm equations with piecewise constant solutions, International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering, vol. 57, no. 4, pp.: 577-598, 2003.
33. Sánchez-Reíllo R., López-Ongil C., Entrena-Montes L. & Sánchez-Ávila C., Information Technology Security using Cryptography, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 18, no. 6, pp.: 21-24, 2003.
34. Sánchez-Reíllo R., Mengibar-Pozo, L. & Sánchez-Ávila C., Microprocessor Smart Cards with Fingerprint User Autentication, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 18, no. 3, pp.: 22-24, 2003.
35. Sánchez-Ávila C., Wavelet Domain Signal Deconvolution with Singularity-Preserving Regularization, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 61, pp.: 165-176, 2003.
36. Sánchez-Ávila C., Sánchez-Reíllo R. & de Martín-Roche D., Iris-based Biometric Recognition using Dyadic Wavelet Transform, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 17, no. 10, pp.: 3-6, 2002.
37. Sánchez Reíllo R. & Sánchez-Ávila C., Fingerprint Verification Using Smart Cards for Access Control Systems, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 17, no. 9, pp.: 12-15, 2002.
38. Sánchez Ávila C., A Nonlinear Adaptive Wavelet-Based Method for Spiky Deconvolution, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, vol. 47, pp.: 4937-4948, 2001.
39. Sánchez-Reíllo R., Sánchez Ávila C. & González-Marcos A.P., Biometric Identification through Hand Geometry Measurements, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 22, pp.: 1168-1171, 2000.
40. Sánchez-Ávila C., García-Moreno J.A., An Adaptive LSQR Algorithm for Computing Discontinuous Solutions in Deconvolution Problems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 50, pp.: 323- 329, 1999.
41. Sánchez-Ávila C., Behavior of Nonlinear POCS Higher Order Algorithms in the Deconvolution Problem, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, vol. 30, pp.: 4909-4914, 1997.
42. Sánchez Ávila C., Figueiras Vidal A.R., New POCS Algorithms for Regularization of Inverse Problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 72, pp.: 21-39, 1996.
43. Sánchez-Ávila, C. & Arriaga-Gómez, F., Convergence of an Adaptive Regularized Method for a Class of Ill-Posed Problems, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, vol. 76, pp.: 517-518, 1996. ISSN: 0946-8463, Akademic Verlag, Germany.
44.Sánchez-Ávila, C. & Lorenzo-Mena, M.G., Sequence Reconstruction from Phase or Magnitude: Regularized Methods, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, vol. 76, pp.: 439-440, 1996. ISSN: 0946-8463, Akademic Verlag, Germany.
45. Sánchez Ávila C., An Adaptive Regularized Method for Deconvolution of Signals with Edges by Convex Projections, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 42, pp.: 1849-1851, 1994.
1. Mañá Sánchez B., Rios Sánchez B., Sánchez Ávila C., Deep Learning for Palmprint Detection and Alignment on Biometric Systems, in Breakthroughs in Digital Biometrics and Forensics, (K. Daimi, G. Francia III and L. Hernández, editors), Springer, pp.: 287-302, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-031-10706-1.
2. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Avila, C., Guerra Casanova J., and Bailador del Pozo G., A Comparative Evaluation of Gaussian Multiscale Aggregation for Hand Biometrics, E-Business and Telecommunications, M.S. Obaidat, J.L. Sevillano, J. Filipe (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 314, pp. 388-399, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-642-35754-1.
3. Bailador del Pozo G., Sánchez Ávila C., Guerra Casanova J. and de Santos Sierra A., Analysis of pattern recognition techniques for in-air signature biometrics, in Celebrating the Breadth of Biometrics Research - Virtual Issue, K. W. Bowyer (ed.), 11 págs. Versión online (2014), versión impresa (a partir de Abril de 2015). Selección de los 25 mejores artículos en investigación biométrica publicados en los últimos años. Este capítulo corresponde a la publicación con el mismo título en Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, no. 10-11, pp.: 2468-2478, 2011.
4. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Avila, C., Guerra Casanova J., and Bailador del Pozo G., Real-time Stress Detection by means of Physiological Signals, Advanced Biometric Technologies, Jucheng Yang and Girija Chetty (Eds.), INTECH, Open Access Publisher, pp.: 23-44, 2011. ISBN: 978-953-307-488-7.
5. Guerra Casanova J., Sánchez Ávila C., Bailador del Pozo G. De Santos Sierra A., Application of LCS algorithm to authenticate users within their mobile phone through in-air signatures, Advanced Biometric Technologies, Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang (Eds.), INTECH, Open Access Publisher, pp.: 265-280, 2011. ISBN: 978-953-307-487-0.
6. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Ávila C., Guerra Casanova J. and Mendaza Ormaza A., Hand Biometrics in mobile devices, Recent Application in Biometrics, Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang (Eds.), INTECH, Open Access Publisher, pp.: 367-382, 2011. ISBN: 978-953-307-487-0.
7. Guerra Casanova J., Sánchez Ávila C., Jara Vera V., de Santos Sierra, Bailador del Pozo G., Architectures to Implement In-Air Signature Mobile Authentication to Increase the Security of ECommerce Applications and Opinion of End Users, Digital Enterprise and Information Systems, CCIS 194, E. Ariwa and E. El-Qawasmeh (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.: 478-492, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-22602-1.
8. de Santos Sierra A., Sánchez Ávila C., Guerra Casanova J. and Bailador del Pozo G., Invariant Hand Biometrics Feature Extraction, Biometric Recognition, Z. Sun, J. Lai, X. Chen, T. Tan (Eds.), LNCS 7098, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 108-115, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-25448-2.
9. Gayoso Martínez V., Hernández Encinas L. and Sánchez Ávila C., Java Card implementation of the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme using prime and binary nite elds, Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, A. Herrero and E. Corchado (Eds.), LNCS 6694, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 160-167, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-21322-9.
10. Guerra Casanova J., Sánchez Ávila C, de Santos Sierra A. Bailador del Pozo G., Jara Vera V., A Real-Time In-Air Signature Biometric Technique Using a Mobile Device Embedding an Accelerometer, Networked Digital Technologies, F. Zavoral et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 497-503, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-642-14291-8.
11. García-Casarrubios Muñoz A., Sánchez Ávila C., de Santos Sierra A., Guerra Casanova J., A Mobile-oriented Hand Segmentation algorithm based on Fuzzy Multiscale Aggregation. Advances in Visual Computing, LNCS 6453, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 479-488, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-642-17288-5. 4.6 Contribuciones a Congresos y Jornadas Cientí cas 37
12. Sánchez-Ávila C., Identi cación biométrica de personas: un paso más en seguridad, Una Década del Instituto de Física Aplicada, 1995-2005, P. Corredera Guillén y F. J. Gutiérrez Monreal (Eds.), Instituto de Física Aplicada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí cas, pp.: 149-156, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-612-1440-2.
13. Sánchez-Ávila C. y Sánchez-Reíllo, R., Iris y Retina, Tecnologías biométricas aplicadas a la seguridad, M. Tapiador Mateos y J.A. Sigüenza Pizarro (Coord.), Ra-Ma, pp.: 113-142, 2005. ISBN: 84-7897-636-1.
14. de Miguel de Santos M., Sánchez-Ávila C. y Sánchez-Reíllo, R., Elliptic Curve Cruptography Applications, Avances en Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, B. Ramos Álvarez y A. Ribagorda Garnacho (Dir.), Diaz de Santos, pp. 55-62, 2004. ISBN: 84-7978-650-7.
15. Sánchez-Reíllo, R. & Sánchez-Avila C., Iris Recognition with Low Template Size, Audio- and VideoBased Biometric Person Authentication, J. Bigun and F. Smeraldi (Eds.), , LNCS 2091, Springer Verlag, pp.: 324-329, 2001. ISBN: 3-540-42216-1.
16. Sánchez-Reíllo, R. & Sánchez-Avila C., RBF Neural Networks for Hand-Based Biometric Recognition, Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, J. Bigun and F. Smeraldi (Eds.), LNCS 2091, Springer Verlag, pp.: 330-335, 2001. ISBN: 3-540-42216-1.
17. Sánchez-Reíllo, R., Sánchez-Avila C. & González-Marcos A.P., Identi cación biométrica mediante mano e iris, Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, P. Caballero y C. Hernández (Coord.), Ra-Ma, pp.: 201-210, 2000. ISBN: 84-7897-431-8.
18. Sánchez-Reíllo, R., Sánchez-Avila C. & González-Marcos A.P., Multiresolution Analysis and Geometric Measures for Biometric Identi cation Systems, Secure Networking-CQRE, R. Baumgart (Ed.), LNCS 1740, Springer Verlag, pp. 251-258, 1999. ISBN: 3-540-66800-4.